A New Way to Treat Carpal Tunnel

In the wrist we have two retinaculums, the flexor retinaculum is also known as the transverse carpal ligament and the extensor retinaculum known as the dorsal carpal ligament. These retinaculums often cause pain in the wrist. ...

What is Hammer Toe?

Daily stretching is extremely beneficial in the early stages of hammer toe. It is important to improve the flexibility of the muscles and tendons of the foot and lower leg....

How are ACL Tears Repaired?

There are several ways to repair a torn anterior cruciate ligament (ACL), depending on the severity of the injury...

Anterior Ankle Pain: Retinaculum Binding

If you are seeking pain relief and you have these symptoms you can try sports massage therapy and stretching techniques to lengthen the muscle tissue and relax the tendons associated with your pain. ...