About Us
Breanna (Kai) May
Neurosomatic Therapist & Certified Personal Trainer
Breanna’s extensive knowledge of the body becomes very clear during her sessions. Her approach blends her personal training background with Neurosomatic Therapy. Making her treatments perfect for anyone who is looking for a well rounded approach to proper joint function and soft tissue pain relief.
Andrea (Andi) Polk
Therapist since 2010 & Certified Yoga Instructor
Andrea has been working in conjunction with Chiropractors and Physical Therapist since 2010.
In 2016, she started Clearwater Sports Massage to serve and educate our aging an active population on Trigger Point Therapy and its place in modern pain treatment.
Marco Rivera
Neurosomatic Therapist & Competitive Bodybuilder
When you blend Marco’s bodybuilding knowledge with his Neurosomatic training you get a therapist who excels in deep tissue and pain treatment. Marco’s sessions are great for anyone in the weight lifting community.
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Clearwater Sports Massage, LLC