Tag: Knee Pain

Sports Massage for Shin Splints

This condition is a result of overuse, running on hard surfaces, increasing intensity or duration of exercise involving the lower leg muscles too quickly and/or shoes that provide poor support. In most cases sports massage can quickly and effectively resolve your pain and get you back to the activities...

7 Ways to Treat Bursitis at Home

What is Bursitis? It is exactly what it sounds like “itis” means inflammation. Bursitis is inflammation of the bursae. This can be due to limited mobility or over use. When the muscles become too shortened and the joint becomes overly compressed our bursae have too much pressure applied to...

Yoga for Injury Rehabilitation

Yoga can be anything you want it to be. In our business we focus on yoga as an isolated sports stretching technique. The intricate stretches yoga offers provide us with tools to help you rehab more quickly and improve your mobility. Andrea is a great therapist to book with...

How are ACL Tears Repaired?

There are several ways to repair a torn anterior cruciate ligament (ACL), depending on the severity of the injury...